The King’s College London Summer School Enhances Knowledge of International Security Issues

The Department of War Studies hosted the first Widening Participation Summer School, which drew students from 14 local secondary and sixth form colleges in London. The Summer School was intended to improve young people’s understanding of contemporary global conflicts and inspire them to seek solutions to worldwide security concerns.

The Summer School featured a jam-packed schedule of events that brought together academics and professionals from the War Studies Department, as well as local schoolchildren.

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The King’s College London Summer School Enhances Knowledge of International Security Issues

This included a role-play simulation led by Dr David Banks and PhD student Evan D’Alessandro in which students acted out a high-level diplomatic meeting involving six states to discuss war and peace prior to World War I. Each team developed their country’s national position and negotiated an international treaty to prevent war, thereby improving their understanding of conflict dynamics and negotiation procedures.

Dr Stephan Engelkamp’s presentation “Why Study International Security?” emphasized the necessity of understanding peace and conflict and its consequences for society and the planet.

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King’s College London

Dr. Jeni Mitchell also led an interactive workshop titled “Trends and Threats: Can We Predict the Future of Global Security?” in which students discussed potential risks such as rising technologies and climate change. Students also had the opportunity to tour the King’s Strand Campus and learn about the university’s history.

“We are pleased to welcome area high school students to our inaugural War Studies Widening Participation Summer School. Students and scholars engaged in deep and energetic conversations about critical global security challenges.

War and conflict may have tremendous effects for society, and our primary message is that everyone is welcome to study these vital issues at our university, regardless of social status, gender, or color.”

Dr. Hassan Elbahtimy, Senior Lecturer in the Department of War Studies, and co-organizer of the Summer School

“Hosting the inaugural War Studies Widening Participation Summer School was a tremendous honor. We were happy to witness ambitious and brilliant high school students discussing topical and complex issues concerning international security and peace.

The team excitedly anticipates organizing future projects like this to expand access to higher education.”

Carmen Falco, Lecturer in the Department of War Studies, and co-organizer of the Summer School

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