How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024; So, here are 10 different ways to make money on Facebook that we will discuss in this article:

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024
How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day

Have you ever wondered How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024?

You might not think of Facebook as new and exciting anymore. But you can't deny its popularity. There are over 2.963 Billion monthly active Facebook users, with 2 Billion actively using the social network every day.

As a result, it comes as no surprise that many individuals and businesses attempt to profit from Facebook. With such a large potential audience, it makes sense.

However, making money on Facebook can be difficult. Because of Facebook's massive size, it can be difficult to stand out. This is especially true now that Facebook only displays a subset of posts in a user's feed. In fact, the statuses you painstakingly craft and post to your business page are unlikely to reach more than 2% of your followers.

When someone opens their Facebook feed, the Facebook algorithm goes through four steps to determine which posts to show them:

  1. Inventory - the algorithm looks at all of the most recent status updates shared by the person's friends and the pages they follow.
  2. Signals - it then examines a wide range of signals based on the user's previous behaviour. These include who made the post, the average amount of time spent on content, post engagement, tagging and comments, how informative the post is, and a variety of other indicators. The algorithm weights statuses from people as more important than posts from pages, which is a significant signal in terms of money-making.
  3. Predictions - the signal attempts to predict how a particular story will be received by the user - will they share it, comment on it, read it, or ignore it?
  4. Score - Based on the signals and predictions, the algorithm assigns a Relevance Score to each post.

When Facebook creates a user's feed, it only displays posts with the highest Relevance Scores.

We previously demonstrated how Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, employs a similar scheme in How to Beat the Instagram Algorithm Without Actually Cheating.

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024; So, here are 10 different ways to make money on Facebook that we will discuss in this article:

  1. Sell From Your Facebook Fanpage
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. Facebook Marketplace
  4. Facebook Live
  5. Instant Articles
  6. Sponsored content
  7. Subscription groups
  8. Free Facebook groups
  9. Selling your services
  10. Crowdsource Content for Your Blog

As you can see, there are numerous paths you can take, such as selling products, providing services, marketing, or being sponsored by brands, among others.

Each of these ideas will teach you How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024. How to get started, finding your niche and target audience, and increasing engagement on the social media site are all covered.

We'll also talk about how to make money with Facebook ads and videos.

Let's get started!

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How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024; There are numerous ways to make $500 per day on Facebook, ranging from selling digital products to offering your services online, becoming an online marketer, or flipping goods locally.

Check these out.


Many businesses have discovered that this can be difficult. It is difficult to achieve a high enough Relevance Score for your page's posts to appear in the news feeds of your followers.

To make money on Facebook through your fan page, you must regularly create and share content that people value. According to Kim Garst's Facebook Selling Formula, "Be Useful + Be Authentic + Sell Occasionally = Big Facebook Sales."

Your influencers can assist you with this if you use influencer marketing. They can provide useful and authentic content while also directing their followers to your fan page.

Consider using Facebook advertising to increase the reach of your sales posts. But keep in mind that in order to build an organic audience, the majority of your posts cannot be sales-oriented. They must be useful and/or entertaining to your target audience.

When it comes to Facebook advertising, it's critical to remember where the majority of Facebook users are in the Buying Cycle. They are not using the platform to make any purchases. It is not like Google advertising, where prospective buyers search for terms to help them make a purchase. People visit Facebook to chat with their friends, catch up on what their acquaintances are up to, and watch funny cat videos, not to purchase your product. How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

As a result, it is your responsibility to create a sales funnel. To accomplish this, you should share a variety of content in order to reach as large an audience as possible. Include links to quality blog posts, videos, funny anecdotes, controversial statements, infographics, and anything else you believe will entice people to visit your site. They should be related to the product you are promoting in some way, or at the very least to the type of people who would be interested in your product.

You should begin promoting content to your supporters once you have built a base of supporters (either by yourself or with the help of influencers). Pay attention to the levels of engagement on these posts and share more of the content that receives the most engagement.

You should then think about promoting content in ads to Lookalike Audiences. Although these people have probably never heard of you, they have demonstrated through their previous activities that they share the same interests as those who have followed you. As a result, attracting these audiences with your content should not be too difficult.

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When you refer products to your audience via an affiliate link and those referrals result in a sale, you make money with affiliate marketing. You are paid a commission when a sale occurs.

It's one of the most common methods of making money online. The industry is massive, with a projected growth of $8.2 billion by 2022.

Top affiliate marketers can earn millions of dollars per year. There are numerous ways to profit from affiliate marketing. You can use your website to direct traffic to social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others, as well as your email list.


First, you'll pick a niche.

This can be a hobby or interest you have, such as pets, golf, home decor, fitness, and so on.

Your next goal is to solve a problem that your audience is experiencing.

Cat owners, for example, may have a problem with the stinky litter box if you're in the cat niche.

It's a mess, it stinks, and it requires constant cleaning, so if you can present a solution, your audience might be willing to buy.

If you sell a cat toilet training product that teaches cats to use the toilet instead of the litter box, your audience might be interested in this problem-solving product.

So you recommend this product to your audience, solve their problem, and profit from each sale.

This is affiliate marketing!

There is a lot to learn about affiliate marketing, and you can even get started with no money!

Here are some ideas for making money with affiliate marketing on Facebook:

  • Create Facebook posts that drive traffic to your website, where you promote affiliate products.
  • Use Facebook ads to drive traffic to your website or an affiliate partner's website.
  • Make a Facebook page - don't worry, we've written an entire post about how to start a blog on Facebook.

You can earn money online with affiliate marketing through Facebook by using one or both options.


Facebook Marketplace is a marketplace website built into Facebook that connects buyers and sellers. You can sell products to customers locally or globally as a seller.

Products sold on Marketplace include the following: How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

  • Cell phones
  • Furniture
  • Cars
  • Makeup
  • Clothing
  • Toys

Dropshipping allows some sellers to earn $500 per day on Facebook Marketplace.


First, decide what you'll sell.

Will you sell items from your house? Do you intend to engage in arbitrage, where you obtain products at a low cost and resell them? Do you want to sell locally or globally?

Once you've developed your business strategy, start looking for suppliers. Then, post your product listings on the marketplace and make yourself available to answer any questions from prospective customers.

The money here can be in the volume or the product niche.

For example, you could sell dozens of Squishmallow pillow toys for around $15 each, or you could sell a few high-priced items, such as electronics, where volume isn't always necessary to make a lot of money.

Start selling your products on Facebook Marketplace.

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Facebook Live is a live Facebook video that allows you to connect with your audience. Going live on Facebook is an excellent way to interact with your audience in real time in order to: How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

  • Make an announcement
  • Share a sale
  • Host a Q&A series
  • Host a sale


Going live on Facebook helps to put a face to a name. Interact with your Facebook followers one-on-one via live video and earn money at the same time!

Here are some ideas for making money with Facebook Live videos:

  • Selling your products or services
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Facebook video ads

Selling on Facebook Live is a way to make money. This can include selling your own products or services as well as affiliate marketing.


Viewers can tip you with Facebook Stars during your live videos.

  • 1 star equals 1 cent
  • Stars can be bought in packs
  • You must enable stars to accept them on your live videos.
  • Setting a stars goal is recommended


These are advertisements that appear before, during, and after your Facebook live video. It's an additional way to earn money by streaming live on Facebook.

You will be able to add pre-roll, mid-roll, and banner ads during your live session if you qualify for ad breaks. Visit "Monetization" in your Facebook Creator Studio to see if ad breaks are available on your account and if you qualify.


Facebook Instant Articles allows you to publish articles for readers to consume on Facebook. The articles load quickly and look great on mobile.

It is applicable to all types of written content, from short-form posts to long-form articles. Publishers are compensated based on the number of views their content receives.


Publishers can post their articles on Facebook Instant Articles and earn money based on how many people read them.

Here are some quick facts about Facebook Instant Articles to get you started:

  • You can publish quick, interactive articles on Facebook.
  • Instant Articles are used by over 37,000 Facebook pages.
  • When Facebook users use Instant Articles, they open 52% more articles.
  • Ads, branded content, and subscriptions are all ways to monetize your content.

It is critical to note that you must be eligible to monetize your content through Facebook Instant Articles. To see if you qualify, go to the Facebook Creator Studio.

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Sponsored content entails being compensated for sharing brand information with your audience as an influencer. You will collaborate with businesses and write Facebook posts introducing them to your Facebook fans. How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

You can find companies to work with by visiting:

Cold outreach: Reaching out to companies with whom you have no prior relationship in order to collaborate on a sponsored partnership.

Warm outreach: Reaching out to companies with whom you have a relationship in order to collaborate on a sponsored campaign, such as brands with whom you have previously worked on projects, special events, networked, and so on.

Getting contacted by companies: Companies interested in collaborating will contact you via email.

Sponsored networks: These are websites that connect creators with businesses to form sponsored partnerships. An influencer can earn money by sharing a brand with their audience, and brands can benefit as well. Izea and Tap Influence are two examples.


Facebook subscription groups enable you to monetize your Facebook group by charging for subscriptions. You can monetize your group with a subscription if you teach or provide benefits to your audience in some way.

For example, this Facebook group has over 500,000 female entrepreneurs from all over the world. It's a free group where entrepreneurs can network and connect with other business owners, but no self-promotion is permitted.

Instead, they offer a subscription group alongside it, where members can pay a monthly fee to promote in the free group.

This is an example of how a Facebook subscription group can be used to generate revenue.

Members of Facebook subscription groups pay on a regular basis. They can offer:

  • Exclusive content
  • Live videos
  • Community building
  • Other perks

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If you're wondering if Facebook groups make money, look no further. They can, according to the answer.

Free Facebook groups are Facebook groups that are free to join and that you can start for your target audience. While you won't be charging a recurring subscription fee like subscription groups, you can still monetize your group:

  • Sell digital and physical products
  • Sell services
  • Drive traffic to a website that is monetized

Anyone can start a free Facebook group. They're an excellent way to build an online community and make money by providing value and offering products and services that meet the needs of your target audience.


E-courses, eBooks, online templates, printables, e-guides, and other digital goods are examples of digital products. Using Facebook as a traffic source for digital products can be a wise decision.


You sell digital products to your Facebook audience. Here are some methods for selling digital products on Facebook:

  • Run Facebook ads to your sales page
  • Post your products on your Facebook page
  • Make a free or subscription-based group where you can sell your products.

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You can sell your services to your Facebook audience in the same way that you sell your products. Whether you sell coaching, consulting, bookkeeping, design, or other services, Facebook is an excellent platform for locating and selling to your target audience.

If you offer home services, Facebook Marketplace will support you. This includes plumbers, HVAC professionals, house cleaners, and other home service businesses. It's a new way to sell your home services on Facebook.

Furthermore, creating content and increasing engagement on Facebook are critical for running a successful business on Facebook.

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024 Top 10 ideas

You can use one or more of the 10 suggestions we provided to sell your products and services on Facebook. Before diving into those, it's critical to identify your niche and target audience so you know who to sell to on Facebook.

Furthermore, creating content and increasing engagement on Facebook is essential for running a successful business on Facebook.


First, you must define your niche. This is about clearly identifying a specific topic and group of people to target for your business.

This is about selecting demographics, interests, and other identifying factors to really get to know your audience and their pain points.

Knowing your audience will make it easier to identify them and solve their problem with your product or service.

For example, your company could run Facebook ads for dentists.

Targeting dentists implies that you are more knowledgeable about this customer group than others. You have a good idea of what they might need, what is important to dentists, what problems they may have, and so on.

As a result, when selling to dentists, you'll be able to speak their "language" more effectively and sell your Facebook ad services more easily.


You will then create content. This is most easily accomplished by posting on your Facebook page. Create interesting content and engage with your audience.

  • Poll your audience
  • Giveaways
  • Contests
  • Go live
  • Share your posts in a Facebook group


Don't forget to engage with your audience after you've spent the time and effort to create engaging Facebook posts. Respond to anyone who posts a message.

Respond to questions quickly, encourage people to post feedback and comments, and keep the conversation going.


Facebook ads provide a unique opportunity to monetize your content and sell your products and services online. To begin running Facebook ads, you do not need a large budget.

It is possible to start with $5 per day. Once you've determined what works, you can increase your budget so that your ads are seen by more people in your target audience, thereby amplifying your results and earning more money.


Facebook videos are a lucrative way to make $500 per day on Facebook. In-stream ads allow you to monetize your Facebook videos.

In-stream advertisements can be used on both new and existing videos. They are also suitable for use in Facebook reels.

In-stream ads are similar to YouTube ads, which YouTube partners can place on their videos to monetize them. The same is true for Facebook video monetization.

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

Eligibility requirements:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Live in a country eligible for in-stream ads
  • Must pass the Facebook Partner Monetization policies and remain compliant.
  • 10,000+ followers
  • 600,000+ minutes viewed in the last 60 days
  • At least 5 active videos

Live Facebook videos have additional requirements, and you can check your Creator Studio to see if you're eligible.


Facebook reels are short-form Facebook videos that you can post from your Facebook page to create and connect with the Facebook community. They have been launched in over 150 countries.

You can share what you love online, like:

  • Comedy
  • Poetry
  • Recipes

The Reels play bonus will pay out $1 billion to Facebook content creators in 2022. Eligible creators can be rewarded for their reels, with up to $35,000 in bonuses available each month.

The 'Reels Summer' bonus increased my motivation to create more Reels and my overall creativity as a content creator. It's also inspiring to see other content creators post more and be the creatives that they are! 


How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day begins with identifying your niche and target audience.

Following that, you'll want to begin and continue creating content. Then, interact with your audience. This is how you build a strong foundation for monetization on Facebook.

Next, you can select one or more of the monetization strategies discussed above to begin earning money on Facebook on a daily basis.


You now understand How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024. I hope these ideas motivate you to act. Each of these strategies has the potential to help you build and grow an online business with Facebook.

Which strategy will you employ to begin earning money on Facebook on a daily basis?

FAQs Regarding How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day 2024

How to Earn Money on Facebook [9 Great Ways to Make $500 or More Every Day]
  1. Affiliate marketing.
  2. Facebook Marketplace.
  3. Facebook Live.
  4. Instant Articles.
  5. Sponsored content.
  6. Subscription groups.
  7. Free Facebook groups.
  8. Selling your services.

What does Facebook pay for a thousand streams? In general, US-based streamers can expect a CPM of $2.00-5.00. This means that for every 1,000 views an ad receives on your stream, you will be paid between $2.00 and $5.00.

According to Shaba, 1 million views pay around $1,000 on average. Nonny added that a video with about 1 million views can sometimes earn up to $1,500 depending on the CPM rate, or cost per thousand views.

Does Facebook pay for likes? Yes, but there is an algorithm that determines how paid likes on Facebook pages are calculated.

As part of our $1 billion creator investment, our Reels Play bonus programme pays eligible creators up to $35,000 per month based on the views of their qualifying reels.